Experienced culture for all ages
Facilities of the Vogtlangkultur GmbH
Neuberinhaus Reichenbach
The Neuberinhaus Reichenbach represents itself as an attractive and modern event location with a multifarious range.
Nicolaikirche Auerbach
The far beyond the border of Auerbach known Göltzschtalgalerie Nicolaikirche offers events of all kinds of genres.
nteresting insights into the mining- and industrial history of the upper Vogtland area.
Freilichtmuseum Eubabrunn
On a 4 hectare large area you can find three original furnished yards with corresponding outbuildings and household gardens.
Freilichtmuseum Landwüst
To an interesting and pedagogical roundabout invites the Vogtland area open-air museum Landwüst.
Kreis- und Fahrbibliothek
District library with mobile library - It’s their purpose to cover the Vogtland area with library material all over the rural territory.